Depression and anxiety are very real, but they are never caused by a drug deficiency. There definitely is such a thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain and drugs may be necessary, but it is always best to look for the cause of a problem, even if you have to take drugs in the mean time. At least if you find the cause, you can work on it while on medications. Many people should try the natural ways before being put on medication since the medicines lower your happy brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) over time. Also, many of the antidepressant medi cations are addictive and can cause weight gain, which is depressing in itself, and many worse side effects.
Main causes of anxiety and depression
1. Toxins
2. Low vitamins, minerals or amino acids
3. Not enough physical activity, or reduced spinal movement (subluxations)
4. Stress
5. Head traumas
Here are my recommendations.
1. Avoid toxins, mercury being the main one to cause depression and anxiety. Lead, arsenic and pesticides will also cause them.
2. Exercise and get adjustments. Exercise is a cure all and is very stimulating to the brain. Exercise has been shown to work better than any anti-depressant. Even walking is enough. Just get moving. Adjustments are also very stimulating to the brain.
3. Get levels of nutrients checked that, if low, can cause depression. Low vitamin D, low B12, and low lithium can cause depression. Your vitamin D levels should be above 70. Low Vitamin D is suspect if your symptoms are worse in the winter. We carry Bio D Mulsion Forte. Low B12 is more common if there are also symptoms of tiredness, dizziness, running into things, a history of pinched nerves. We carry Vessel Care or Intrinsi B12 with Folate to increase vitamin B12 levels.
4. The blood tests to check B12 is methylmelonic acid and homocysteine.
5. The best test for low lithium is a hair analysis. This will also show if a person is mercury toxic.
6. Low magnesium is often one source of anxiety. If you have trouble with foot or leg cramps, headaches, teeth grinding or clenching, are having heart palpitations or any type of spasms, you might be low in magnesium. Please also see our magnesium handout.
7. Low blood sugar is also a cause of mood disorders. If you get overly shaky or irritable if you miss a meal or you are late eating you might have low blood sugar. Cut out all sugar and don’t miss meals.
8. Low amino acids are best checked by questionnaires. Amino acids are building blocks of proteins. Eat at least 60 grams of protein per day. Here’s a breakdown of low neurotransmitters, the amino acids that raise them and the symptoms that are common with low levels of them.
(feel good chemical)
Tryptophan or 5-htp
Depression, tiredness
no “get up and go”
Depression, sadness, anxiety
Poor memory
Can start, but not finish things
SamE is not an amino acid, but it helps raise norepinephrine as does Tyrosinesince Dopamine makes norepinephrine.
Here are the supplements we carry thathelp with neurotransmitters by raisingamino acids or by directly raising neurotransmitter levels.
Crave Arrest
5-htp Synergy
Brain Vitale
Acetyl CH
Serotonin and Dopamine
Serotonin, dopamine and GABA