Infants who have misaligned vertebrae in the middle back between the shoulder blades can suffer from colic. Chiropractic adjustments can realign these vertebrae, giving relief from the symptoms of colic. We also use a special adjusting instrument called an Arthrostim that makes it very easy to adjust an infant. We even adjust the stomach itself with the arthrostim. It is more of a relaxing stretch to the diaphragm that gets tight and spastic as a result of stomach stress.
Supplements that can be considered for colic are:
1. Probiotics. This is a general term that includes beneficial bacteria that should be living in the stomach and intestines of all of us. Our levels of good bacteria can be reduced by exposure to toxins, drinking tap water (chlorine kills good bacteria too), taking antibiotics, and stress. Acidophillus is one form of probiotic. Bifidus is another. There are many types. I can’t say one is better than another in general, but some people will do better with one than another. I recommend the powdered kinds for infants and children. It doesn’t taste bad and can be dusted on a nipple, pacifier or put in any liquid. Just don’t heat it up after you put it in anything. Heat will destroy the good bacteria.
2. Gripe water, which is mainly a solution of calming herbs, which are all natural. It also relieves intestinal gas.