Infants who have misaligned vertebrae in the middle back between the shoulder blades can suffer from colic. Chiropractic adjustments can realign these vertebrae, giving relief from the symptoms of colic. We also use a special adjusting instrument called an Arthrostim that makes it ver
Besides chiropractic adjustments, there are several things you can do to speed up your healing process from sciatica. First, get the low back pain handout and follow all of those recommendations even if you don’t have low back pain. The source of sciatica is the low back. 1. Take a hi
1. Besides chiropractic adjustments, there are several things you can do to speed up your healing process from low back pain. 2. Do not bend at the waist while standing, bend at your knees. 3. If you can’t bend at your knees use your hand to support your weight or broaden your base of
Depression and anxiety are very real, but they are never caused by a drug deficiency. There definitely is such a thing as a chemical imbalance in the brain and drugs may be necessary, but it is always best to look for the cause of a problem, even if you have to take drugs in the mean